A Few Testimonials

gratitude wordle

Hi Carla,

I am going to admit, Carla, that you were on the bottom of the list – truly my last resort.  For over a year of some twenty plus medical doctors, plus a couple of specialists thrown in, reams of tests and multiple vials of blood tests, my malady remained a mystery…and in fairness to all, it still is.


However, you, your magical touch changed all that. Can you imagine my delight in being able to say that?  Yep, I am back to trying to pursue a life again – driving, taking walks, reading, even adult classes.  It’s frightening to realize all that I had lost during that investigative year and a half.  But you managed to bring back my life – not 100% yet but we are pushing ahead.


Thank you, thank you, thank you….it is so amazing to feel so good!

Helen T.


Thanks for the Essential Harmony session last week.  I feel pretty good.  You do amazing work!! 

If I wrote in my review "If you want to know what it's like to be touched by God, go see Carla"...    Or do you think this is over doing it?   

Danny D.


Good Morning Carla

I wanted to Thank You and let the world know how wonderful you are!  The Raindrop Technique massage has been truly the most amazing experience that I've ever had in a massage, and I have had many!   How would I describe my experience... Somewhere between a complete sense of wellbeing, complete relaxation, Blissful, and a state of oneness..

I have been going though a very difficult time in the last 60 days and have had some very difficult choices to make. I was really "stuck" and confused. I just could not move forward with any choices that I had to make.  Since my sessions with you,  I've become more centered and relaxed,  able to think more clearly after just two sessions with you. (an inner strength awareness you could say)  And have even introduced your work and essential oils to my 19 year old daughter who loves them and says how much they have helped her.

 I know people come to you for health reasons but, more importantly, I believe that your work could change their life.. It has mine!  


"Your A Blessing"... Thank you!




Hi Carla, 

I’m so happy with my oils! I’m using them every day! I see the differences in my emotional state and the events in my life:)

I feel more energized and joyful!


Olga Z.


I met a very rude lady that tried to tell me that her essential oils were better than Young Living.

I told her that I was not going to argue about it but I had full trust in the quality and grade of YLEO.

There are many good products that compete but I do not bad mouth others so I told her to check into it a little more where she might be surprised.  

I live by accepting things I cannot change, even though I may not like it. Change the things I can and pray about everything, with thanksgiving.

I reflected on the day you showed me YLEO and how much I have benefited from you and them. I do try to share as much as I can about them. I am so grateful.

Blessings to you, Carla,



Hi Carla,

The Raindrop Technique session today was awesome.  I feel so much better all over. 

Many thanks,



Hi Carla!

Thank you again for the most awesome treatment! Amazing, amazing, amazing! All sorts of positive things have transpired since! I will be sending you a little thank you in the mail as soon as possible. 

Oh! I also forwarded your info to my dad and raved about you to several friends!

Thank you!

Serena :)


When it comes to understanding the mind-body connection, Carla's knowledge is unsurpassed by anyone I've ever known in this arena.  I never truly believed I could heal 25 years of back pain but with Carla's healing hands and compassionate guidance I virtually have a new back -- and the physical and psychological tools to keep myself healthy and pain free!  

I used to be an Ibuprofen junkie but since working with Carla I never reach for a medicine of any kind.  It feels so good to know that my system is chemically-balanaced and medication free!

Carol S.


The work that Sri Devi does has had a powerful effect on me.

She works with me to release old emotions/fears that get stuck in my body.

She has the ability to sense underlying issues and with a spontaneous, simple suggestion or spoken truth, she has helped me to let go of them.

Subtle and profound shifts have occurred in my life since I started experiencing her work.



When I first met Carla I happened to mention to her that I was feeling anxious. She listened attentively (Carla is one of those rare people who really do listen to what you’re saying and not what they think you’re saying).  A few minutes later she returned and offerd me an oil.  This was my first experience of therapeutic-grade Essential Oils and my recollection of the experience was that I simply “melted.”  The frequency of the blend of oils in this combination was very powerful and effective.  Carla’s knowledge of essential oils is extensive and her enthusiasm is contagious.  She has an intuitive ability to know what someone needs to assist with healing and provides this in a caring and nurturing way.  The Raindrop sessions I have received from Carla have been very powerful, helping to balance and realign my energy and heightening my state of awareness.  I would highly recommend consulting with Carla to receive her work.

Carla creates a very safe and sacred place for healing, incorporating many of the techniques she has practiced over the past 30 years.  She is professional, kind, caring and knowledgeable and undoubtedly a gifted healer.  I always felt supported and cared for during my visits and invariably left feeling better, more positive and in a lighter state of being.  I would always recommend a visit to Carla before anything else.



Four years ago, I met Carla and was introduced to the benefits of using essential oils for wellness. After every massage session, I always ended up in better shape (and more knowledgeable about oils) than when I went in.  Carla’s ability to listen to the client and then use her knowledge and experience of massage to focus on a specific complaint about a muscle or area of pain always resulted in relief.

As time passed, I started accumulating my own collection of essential oils and used them to support wellness for myself and my family in daily life.   Then, when I became pregnant with twins my daily ritual with oils and weekly massages became even more vital to my health and the health of my babies. Every week I would see Carla for a massage and have my aches and pains of pregnancy worked on.  Carla’s experience in pregnancy massage allowed my body to relax and create a more peaceful environment for my unborn little ones.  

Now that my babies are here, essential oils are part of our daily routine. They love to inhale the smell and seem to look forward to it.  

I definitely feel that Carla’s experience in massage and oils has helped my babies and I get off to a great start with living a little more natural and creating more balance in our lives.  Thank you for the knowledge, relief of pain, and friendship I have found in you.

Kerry M

carlasgreatoils@gmail.com  © Carla Sridevi Cohen 2012