Healing Chronic Pain, Depression & Sleep 


Going from Bad to Much Better

John in Southern California

Spring-Fall, 2008

7 months ago, after a nearly 5 year battle to overcome terrible consequences to surgical treatment for a burst disc in my spine at age 52, I finally determined that none of the traditional therapies that I had been through was working. Truly, my condition was getting much worse.

A close friend referred me to Carla Sridevi Cohen, and he mentioned that her work with a variety of methodologies for pain and injury might help. I was absolutely worn out by drugs and a desperately fatalistic mental state about my injury and about my physicality in general. I was not sleeping and had stopped playing my guitar. I was in constant pain in my neck and arm. I had pain in my low back, as well as tingling and numbness in my fingers. I hoped for any kind of improvement at all, with the wish that I could actually feel better about my body and life in general. I came to find out that there are many factual improvements that I could benefit from in a regimen that Carla created for me. I was hopeful and wanted an improvement. Carla was able right from the start to change things for me.

Truly, that is putting it mildly. 

We started scheduling weekly sessions where Carla would employ Essentail Harmony, Deep Tissue massage and Essential Oils, and a complex set of healing techniques. The results have been as follows:

Session 1 – This was so new to me that I was actually dizzy when the session ended. My pain level had been positively impacted, and I knew in new ways that the combination of Carla’s therapies had brought me to a new direction for resolving the pain and stiffness that had plagued me for years. I left with feeling almost completely pain free.

Session 2 – I missed a week,  and that was telling. I was so glad to be back on track, and the same thing happened, a seemingly permanent improvement to my pain and stiffness level had occurred, and my vision was pleasantly enhanced. I started to notice a lessening level of mental heaviness from all those years of pain.  Carla gave me some suggestions about foods that I should eliminate from my diet. She explained how some of my diet was actually creating inflammation and the inflammation was causing the pain.

Session 3 – This is where I started to see vast improvements over mobility, as well as still having things happen to my perception. All this improvement actually was the motivation for me to get on the complete plan of diet and supplements that Carla had suggested for me. (I am still on the daily supplements now for about 6 weeks straight now, with no plan of stopping at any time.)

Session 4 – At this point, I was on the daily diet and supplements for about 3 weeks, and noticed that I was losing body fat quite rapidly. More on that later, but we still were in the place where I had to continue to get more treatments that worked to reduce my pain level, and where I could actually sleep without prescription medications.

Session 5 – This was one where we had a breakthrough, where, being on the diet and supplements, I have lost about 25 lbs, and the amount of fat that had left me was enough to have to go back a full shirt size, so that the clothing I wore did not swim on me. Carla also found a nerve in my side where a sudden amount of feeling came back to my arm and hand, and has been relatively present ever since. There seems to be room for more improvement, and it was a dramatic thing to see her work and the Essential oils have such an effect.  She explained that I was peeling off layers and that my body was allowing her to move into deeper levels.

Session 6 – This was the latest treatment, and it had to last 2 weeks, due to our compressed travel and hosting schedules, but again, it was instrumental to my being able to go 2 weeks with improvements all around. The diet and supplements really had a long time to continue to do their work, and I am thinner still, and for a person with the torso I have had for years, it is delightful to continue to fit in older clothes that have not fit me in nearly 2 years. I am enjoying the oils so much, that I have gone on to order a complete array of Essential oils – not because Carla told me to, but because I find the oils really help and the are smells intoxicating. I have enough supplements to last me several months. The combination of the sessions, diet, supplements and the improved peace of mind is something I never thought I would get out of this marvelous experience, but I have been able to withstand a sad set of family developments without losing stride or hope. These two dynamics within my family are things I have no control over, but I am not obsessing about either one, where prior to my new life plan, I would have let it ruin my health and welfare further.

Session 7 and 8 – I definitely started to have much less pain on a daily basis, and have over 50 oils and blends that do much more than just relieve pain. With the blends, which I use much more sparingly, I have been able to strengthen my ability to think clearly and totally abstain from any form of stimulant or painkiller, from coffee to prescription drugs. I am about to start tissue healing with Carla, and I am both highly looking forward to it, and concerned that nothing will result.

Session 9 

This was a total surprise. I went in feeling a lot of pain and in terrible shape. I had moved and because I was feeling so good, got carried away.  My walk was a mess. I could not sit without strong discomfort. Then Carla performed her hands-on healing. Waking up areas of my body that were asleep for years, and making different adjacent areas communicate with each other. Not expecting much, I walked out of there with a completely different take on Carla’s real abilities, and got home using oils for little things, and more aromatically than to resolve real pain issues.

Session 10

More of the same, I am happy to report! I had a serious improvement in feeling in the numb areas of my right arm, and although I still have some pain and numbness, it is much less. It  varies during each day and week,  but I know that the drudgery of deep pain is subsiding. I still have some stressful things at home and work, but hope is restored. And the parts of my body that are benefitting from Carla’s healing therapies, a total diet change with the loss of 15% of my then-weight, and the oils as therapeutic and psychological aids is dramatic.

Sessions 11 and 12

I seem to be ready after 12 weeks to actually be able to go more than a week without treatment, but the oils will not be far from me. I can get into a place both psychologically and physically that I have never been able to find or stay within. I know I still have several physical challenges, but I cannot ignore the fact that I have been sent in another direction, and that it is working. Sometimes Carla tells me that I was ready, but it is more than that. I have to continue to pay more attention to me than I did for 35 years, and the fun of having much more tolerable levels of discomfort from injury and neglect are a joy that I did not think was possible. 

I now am completely off any medications. I sleep well at night and I am back playing music again. 

I cannot recommend highly enough the healings and tools for health and diet that Carla has formulated for me over time. The healing sessions and oils themselves are tools in an arsenal that I did not think even existed. I feel like someone completely different than the person that walked into this new way of living just a couple of months ago.

I am convinced that my so-called “permanent” injuries can be reversed to such a degree that I will get back all the exercise, musical and health-minded activities and positive outlook that I lost years ago. This is not a casual remark, as many who may read this are suffering with conditions that are not truly permanent, and has not yet taken the time to invest in their well-being with a skilled practitioner such as Carla Sridevi Cohen.

The types of treatments I have experienced also convince me that many that suffer can have their life improved so much that any lingering effect from an injury can be made marginal, with the end result that the existing condition does not impact their life in a threatening manner any longer.

November, 2008

I am completely stabilized, needing only maintenance every 2 or 3 weeks, which varies from tissue work to Raindrop therapy. I no longer suffer long days of unending pain, and any pain is typically immediately treated by self-administered drops of various oils.

Tissue work is ongoing, but so dramatically better than earlier this year, that I can confirm that I had to learn how to “miss” the pain and not invite it back. I have even started learning to think clearly to avoid, and not be a part of, someone else’s cold or flu.

I am now sending oils, some shipments quite large, to family and friends, to alleviate all kinds of things that can plague the uninitiated mind and body.  I have a friend on oils to make sure his bout with melanoma is not coming back. I have family and elderly friends on oils to ensure that they no longer have to take prescription drugs at all, just like me.

Nothing could be better than having real results that don’t go away. My diet is completely changed, with the utter proof that milk and caffeinated products are bad for all kinds of pain and suffering. I am on a complete regimen, but many will simply benefit from work and oils that Carla can easily introduce to even the most difficult cases of pain and tissue difficulties.

I recommend her work to anyone that finally realizes that there is a better way to live happy and healthy.

Warmest regards to all,


John’s willingness to listen and surrender to my recommendations for the types of healing sessions he should receive, is one of the reasons he continues to improve so rapidly. Also, like most people who come to me, he had a supply of vitamins and supplements that he had been using for years. As John grew to trust me, he gave up his other supplements, and switched over to the products I have found to be the most effective. He was so anxious to heal, that he also started exploring oils on his own. John also had the discipline to eliminate certain items from his diet that I suggested.  He continues to come for sessions, not because I told him he needs to, but because he understands that he can go even further with his healing.

Thanks  John. I appreciate your confidence in me. I am also very excited to see how far you have come.

One day I went to one of my teachers, for a session. I didn’t have anything wrong, I just wanted to go further. I remember feeling a little funny about it. He said, “You can always improve on perfection.” John has figured that out.



carlasgreatoils@gmail.com  © Carla Sridevi Cohen 2012